rear shock : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
My 2000 f-4 with 900 miles is leaking oil out of the rear shock (SACHS). Can anyone recomend someone to rebuild it. Also can some one describe the procedure of removing it. thanks bob
-- bob burdick (, April 17, 2003
Removal and install. Put bike on rear stand. Stabilize front of bike. Remove fairings. Using a small piece of wood or other suitable material and a floor jack, carefully jack up the bike under the engine case just enough to unload the rear suspension,(without lifting the rear stand off the ground completely). Remove the lower shock through bolt. Remove the ride height link bolt to the shock rocker lever. Remove the through bolt that goes through the frame plates to remove the shock rocker lever, remove the shock and rocker lever as an assy. I just did this on my bike. Reinstalling the rocker lever into the frame took a bit of wiggling as it is a tolerance fit. Note: I used a 2x6 about four feet long under the front wheel with an eye bolt on each end and tie downs to the handlebars to secure the front end. Hope this helps.
-- djc (, April 21, 2003.