how does one get started with a new coffee shop : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

I want to start a coffee shop in my town. I have already found the location for my buisness, but i'm trying to find out how much basic start up costs could be. If any established coffee guru is willing to assist me i'm very welcome to information and suggestions. Thanks, Chad SMith The Red Room Coffee Company & Cafe

-- Chad Smith (, April 10, 2003


My suggestion would be to go and get a buisness plan. It'll tell you how much your starting up price will be and an estimate of how much you might make after opening up.

-- Alaina Renea (, April 24, 2003.

If you already have the property (leased or bought), your startup costs should run somewhere in the $20-50K area, depending on how many bargains you're willing to seek out. Find someone who's already in business (similar to yours) and ask questions; most small biz people will gladly let you know who their vendors are and other resources.

-- Guin (, April 29, 2003.

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