Some strange facts in my CoC (certificate of conformity) : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread


I just recieved my CoC from MV Agusta, Italy and its strange...

My bike is a 2000 year one F4S. ZCGF401BAYV00xxxx

The "2.2 Variante/Any variant" what is that? it says 01. Year???

3. Potenza massima in kw/max engine power states 95? Isn't it 93?

9. Massa del veicolo a vuoto in kg/mass of unladen vehicle is 210kg? Doesn't the bike weigh 191 kg empty?

14. Massa massima ammessa in kg/Max permisssible weight, 370? Isn't it 325kg as it says on the adhesive label on the bike?

Thanks for reading.

-- Nils Haak (, April 10, 2003


210ks is probably wet weight (minus most of the petrol). My 2001 weighed in at 210kg (low fuel light was already on).

-- Matt Thompson (, April 10, 2003.

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