PIANO MUSIC NEEDED!!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread |
I need music from Lord Of The Rings, Romeo and Julia, and so much more!!!! PlEaSe send me some PIANOsheets as quickly as possible!!!
-- David Maes (el_barto32@hotmail.com), April 09, 2003
Dude, check out the 8notes forum (http://www.8notes.com/forum/1_2340.asp?spage=1) at page 13. You will definitly have more chances there since someone is giving away some. Thank Catherina for that!
-- Jim (jimmy_jim@hotmail.com), April 09, 2003.
I would very much like to help you. I swear. I mean, I have "May it Be", "Concerning Hobbits", "Many Meetings" and also the TTT music sheet book. The problem is, I just moved. So, the 3 sheet music are on my other computer (which I will eventually have to copy it's content) and I have to install my scanner. But do not worry, I will eventually e-mail you some sheet music just let me settle in and install everything.
-- Daniela-Elena Dogariu (garfield_n_pookie2000@yahoo.ca), April 27, 2003.
Can you please e-mail the music to me when you get it Daniela-Elena Dogariu? I've been looking all over for it. Thanks so much.
-- Sarah Welsch (Book247Worm@ aol.com), July 16, 2003.