Who's got the best high performance exhaust system for 4S?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I've been considering Casoli's conversion and Blue Flames fantastic looking anodized system. Blue Flame offer free fitting and include the eprom with before and after dyno results. Now I hear about the RG3. Who makes the RG3? Is it what the factory used to offer? How do I find about this option? Does anyone have any info for me based on their own experience or credible sources? Are there any factory HP systems available anywhere? Please advise. Thanks. Mark.

-- Mark G. Czajka (Czajk00@aol.com), April 09, 2003


The factory has a subsidiary parts company called MV-Special Parts (MV-SP). They offer the RG3 exhaust and several differnt eproms for each F4S engine (oro, evo, evo2, senna, spr, etc.) and exhaust manifold (standard and spr) configuration. You can see these either on the MV website or the MV-SP website. The claimed power increase is indicated on there as well - it is likely a bit optimistic. The price for the silencers is very high. The OEM silencers were made by Arrow for MV. I believe the RG3 silencers were also made by Arrow to MV-SP specification. The RG3 silencer is "intended" for race track use only - YMMV. dm

-- dm (i8foie@msn.com), April 09, 2003.

I have a Senna S and bought an exhaust from MV-SP.....IT IS VERY GOOD. You can feel the power gain and throttle response was better. You will enjoy it.


-- Victor Lee (pcvlee@earthlink.net), April 09, 2003.

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