the beauy mermaid feauturing YUKI HSU : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i very interested to have the beauty mermaid vcd, that taiwanese drama series, this story is very touching, can somebody help me find it? i try search it but i can;t fint, so somebody, please help me,..

-- fahmi (, April 04, 2003


Interesting. I didn't even know she was in any movies. I saw some music Videos with her in it once, and they was good. :)

-- Shinobi (, April 13, 2003.

You want the cd? Its damm nice and the movie really touched me.I cant belive i cried.I think u can try going to speedy video stores.If u cant try going to 1utama speedy video

-- Anmdrew Ong Kean Hoe (, September 26, 2003.

Hi there, I'm stationed in Hong Kong, if you guys looking for any movies or whatever , feel free to contact me at

-- Melvin (, March 09, 2004.

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