Lack of coolant ! : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Dear all, I took my MV out for its first run yesterday and noticed that the temperature reading was flashing. Once I got home (112 miles)and read the manual I realized that the engine was in overtemp. Looking at the expnasion tank I could not make out the coolant level. So I removed the cover around the ignition and opened the coolant tank cover to find it totally dry which help explain the over temp! Looking at the dealer check list it was interesting to note that coolant level is not listed so I assume that this would be done (or in this case was not done)at the factory. My question to you is this: having run the engine hot for 112 miles during break in have I caused any potential long term damage? I'm glad the engine had not siezed, however, I will have to have a chat with my dealer pronto... Thanks in advance for any feedback on this question. - Chris P
-- Chris P (, March 30, 2003
This is a wind up............Isnt it?????
-- mike tilston (, March 31, 2003.