Free Planetarium Program for Students (CCNY) : LUSENET : Middle School Science : One Thread

The Physics Department at CCNY offers a free planetarium program for students. Students visit the CCNY planetarium on the City College campus and see a show on one of 2 topics - constellations or the planets of the solar system. The show lasts for approximately 50 minutes followed by a question and answer session, so please prepare your students for the trip. Reserve a spot for Mondays or Wednesdays from 10:00 - 10:50am. The last date for reservations is May 14th.

Call 212.650.5517 for reservations or more information.


-- Michael Gatton (, March 17, 2003


Can I schedule different dates for all 5 groups of 30 students that I have. Can you please tell me a little more information baout this trip. Thanks, Maria.

-- Maria Rodriguez (, March 19, 2003.

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