Year : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

since the introduction of MV, has there been any performace difference from 2000 until now? I'm on the hunt right now on finding one. If you know a good source please let me know. Thanks

-- Tony Smith (, March 13, 2003


The 2000 & 2001 share the same motor. An increase in power was made with the 2002 models. Not sure how the 2003 model will stack up against the 2002.

-- Matt Thompson (, March 13, 2003.

if we ever see it!

-- fraser butters (, March 13, 2003.

Rory at Munroe Motors said the 03's will be c.a.r.b. legal for California and all the emissions stuff is in the tank, leading to a loss of about 1 gallon fuel space.

-- ben kifle (, March 13, 2003.

How much would a 02 senna be worth with 1100 miles?

-- Tony Smith (, March 13, 2003.

Loss of one gallon of gas? Seems like the range is limited already.

-- greg petersen (, March 14, 2003.

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