reporting use of Peter Chung's artwork in advert : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Hello there,this is my first post here. Me is a big fan of th Flux series and have the greatest respect for Mr. Chungs work. After seeing how easely and carelessly some people use other people's artwork without giving them any credit etc.. I just wanted to report the use of a drawing from Peter Chung's adverts for a fastfood company (i forgot the name of). AWN published a full page advert in the Brussel's Anima festival magazine. Half of the page is a drawing of a woman about to bite in a double cheese burger. I don't know who own's the rights for that animation comercial (wether its AWN, the burger company or Mr Chung himself) but it's just to make sure the people who owns it got the money for it (there isn't any credit for the drawing which is strange). I hope Mr Chung got the money for it or at least the told him they were using his work because apparently they're not too embarrassed about credits....

cheers Keria

-- Keria (, March 10, 2003


I'd guess Rally's the burger chain owns the right's to the ad.

Is it the ad just promoting AWN?

-- Igniz (, March 16, 2003.

if you would notice his credited filmography shwos he directed that commercial

-- dan latten (, March 24, 2003.

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