Poem for Lent (Scandal in the Church)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Not a question but... A poem for lent.


For hundreds of years, The Son's light did shine. Reflected through Orders, For all mankind.

Praises were given, The men respected. Pews were full. None were neglected.

When the light was perceived, To have come from the men. All were aghast, At how horrible the sin.

The people forgot, From whom the light did shine. No one looked up, But only in line.

The temples did struggle. A few never came. It failed true logic, A terrible shame.

But, the Church recovered. The mass did pray. Repent, Repent! They all did say.

The Spirit and love, To the men did return. The light was soft. To none did burn.

The darkness did fade, Though no light the men shone. The light from the Father, Revealed -- was alone.

By John Placette God Bless.

-- john placette (jplacette@catholic.org), March 08, 2003


One good turn...

Song of the Cross

by Robert Garon

I held the Son of God so close to me; To me! -- A lowly, worthless, trunk of tree;

My wretched wooden frame, so coarse and used, Did shyly touch His sacred Body bruised.

From gushing wounds, I caught that precious flood Of red that poured o'er me--I drank His Blood!

Of all that mocking crowd, I was the first Who saw Him choke and heard Him cry: "I thirst!"

They spat and jeered...He still did not condemn, But to me gasped: "Hold...Hold...for them...for them!"

Then in my arms the Son of God did die! For all the world to see, I held Him high!

A holy, sacred thing He made of me... Of me...a lowly, worthless trunk of tree!

Pax Christi.

-- Anna <>< (Flower@youknow.com), March 10, 2003.

I wrote one for you guys as while.

It was a warm breezy beautiful spring day, with an utter since of the new life coming from the barren ground, relaxing with my friend at burger king. WHen a girl walked by... she had big boobs.

-- Jack (fantyu@hotmail.com), March 13, 2003.

Jack to write often? That was brillant!

-- Marshall (PikieStompr@yahoo.com), March 14, 2003.

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