How burn and play SVCD from Soni CCD-TRV608 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a soni ccd-trv608 camcorder. I am trying to get video onto my computer, burn it as an SVCD and play it in my DVD player. I am having trouble. My DVD player keeps saying "bad disk." I know it will play SVCD. I think it has something to do with the way I am recording it or something. I am using a cord that goes from my camcorder to my computer via USB connection. Do you have any suggestions?

-- Ryan Robinson (, February 27, 2003


Some DVD players don't play SVCD. You should go to and look at the DVD player compatibility list to see if your player supports the format. It could also be that your player doesn't support CD-R media. There is nothing you can do if your player doesn't support burnable media.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), February 28, 2003.

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