Getting messy at Batu Dam : LUSENET : Mountain Bike Hash Forum : One Thread

My girlfriend and I have done the circuit around Batu Dam a number of times, since learning of it from your site. The last time was the weekend before last, when we were sad to discover that there is now a great deal of rubbish strewn all around the track. It seems this is mostly left by the increasing numbers of people fishing there -- most of the junk is concentrated around the makeshift fishing shelters. I wonder if any other riders had noticed this? I wonder if there is anything that can be done? Surely there most be a governmental agency to prevent the pollution of the water catchment area? Sad that this wonderful area should be spoilt.

-- Ross (, February 25, 2003


Forgive me if I sound cynical, but that same governmental agency will, when alerted of the threat of pollution caused by anglers, impose a complete ban on recreational activities in water catchment areas. Perhaps we can shame the anglers into cleaning up after themselves by collecting their rubbish and placing it all in one place. They might get the message, maybe after a few generations.

Mind you, mountain bikers aren't blame free either. Pat and I cycled the Ulu Gombak traverse on 4 Feb, and we found powergel packets at the junction at Waypoint P8. Mountain bikers, who else? at 4km deep into trail. C'mon guys, it isn't difficult to stuff the wrapping into your jersey pocket.

-- Joe Adnan (, February 25, 2003.

Dunno man...just cycled there on friday....25 April 2003...didn't notice any rubbish....but theres a lot of bamboo cutting going there...which annoys me a lot....they cut the bamboo and leave it there making other bamboo fall and trust me on this one...when you're going downhill and you see tons of bamboo trees fallen over the trail....there aint much you can do except jam brake and hope for the best...or else....just imagine....frog splash into the bamboo....heheh

-- Terjin (, April 27, 2003.

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