family history : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

The question I would like help in trying to solve is one of my great grand-father who work the central of georiga in the earlier part of the 1900's to the mid 50's as a brakeman. who ran from chattanoga tn. to griffin ga and barneville ga. How would go about fine this information his name was Thomas Nelson from Cedartowm Ga. I am also a 3rd genration railroad myself

-- Kwame N. Nelson (, February 16, 2003


From the "front page" of the Q&A forum:

"Ancestor Searches The forecast is grim. Odds are nobody reading the Forum today has any information about an engineer that worked thirty, fifty or a hundred years ago. Railroad record keeping was spotty. You can try contacting NS directly or maybe the FRA."

That being said, there are a few personnel-related files in the Central of Georgia collection at the Georgia Historical Society in Savannah. They are not indexed by name, so you'd have to search through all of the boxes, and it's unlikely you'll find anything unless your relative was an "officer" or other official for the CofGa.

It is collection 1362AP-70 (President's Subject files 1940-1963) Box 30-31 Appointments: Promotions Box 32 Appointments: Retirements and Obituaries Boxes 264-270 Personnel: various

Good luck!

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (, February 18, 2003.

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