Blur & cubical playback on VCD after transfer from AVI : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can anyone please help me in sorting this problem. I own a SONY MiniDV, a DCR-TRV16E which is very new. I recorded some video clips & i transferred into the PC using i-Link cable, which is in AVI format. I encode it into MPEG-1 format & burn it into a VCD. I get to play in my VCD player, a Wearnes VCD 3.0 player. But the results are very blur, i tried this under 352 X 288 pixels resolution, a normal VCD format & quality, the audio ain't a problem, but the visual really is poor, is it due to my burning speed to VCD, i tried 2X, 4X, & 8X, or is it the transferring of the data. I am not fond of this digital thing yet, but i know about computers. Thanks a million for helping me.

Jason Yap

-- Jason Yap (, February 06, 2003


It's probably your video encoder. Under the best of circumstances, VCD resolution and bit rates are too low to give DVD quality, but it really should be better than "poor". Since we don't know what you used to encode, I would suggest trying the TMPGenc program ( There are guides on using it at TMPGenc does an excellent job of MPEG-1 encoding and I believe it's still free if you don't need to do MPEG-2 with it, but you'll need to go to the web site to see what the current status is.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), February 07, 2003.

I know this is like, a million years after the fact, but I am just now having the same problem... I used Nero 5.5 to encode it, and everything looks fine, until about 10 minutes into the video. Then it turns all blocky and glitchy... I don't quite yet have the answer to this problem...

-- Sean (, September 22, 2003.

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