Who designed the layout of San Francisco?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

Who is given the credit for the design and street layout of San Francisco?

-- karl m beale (karlbeale@hotmail.com), January 25, 2003


Many people were responsible, some parts are Daniel Burnham, and the Sunnyside, Westwood Park, and Glen Park neighborhood streets were laid out by A.S. Baldwin and Howell.

One street, Alemany Boulevard, is laid out on the old Ocean Shore railway right-of-way. Urbano street in Ingleside Terraces is exactly laid out on the Old Racetrack.

-- Piano Man (seanmhall14@hotmail.com), January 26, 2003.

The credit for the design and street layout for the heart of San Francisco was given to Jasper O'Farrell. That is his legacy.

-- Harry Murphy (harrymurphy@bigmailbox.net), January 26, 2003.

Try this:

Yeah! I can post here again! Look at the outlines and you must find...

A bell outline

Two ovals
Very curvy streets

Good luck!

-- Piano Man (seanmhall14@hotmail.com), January 29, 2003.

I'm lost, Sean. Which end is up?

I think that must be Candlestick at the lower right.

I don't see a bell shape, except for the crater in approximately the middle, but it does look like somebody's drawn a black cat, an alien and a television set in the upper right corner.

-- Rosa Who Else (rosadebon@yahoo.com), February 03, 2003.

I am currently searching for proof that Yerba Beuna's Market st. was A) laid out along the boundry of a Hacienda, that B) the unit of measure is derived from the owner (who's name I am missing), and that C) is why SF blocks in this area are the exact length that they are.


-- T Berk (tberk@sbcglobal.net), October 06, 2004.

Still searching for facts but here is something I found via ca.gov:

Official map of San Francisco. Compiled from the field notes of the official re-survey made by Wm. M. Eddy, surveyor of the town of San Francisco. Drawn by Alex. Zakrzewski. Lithographed by F. Michelin.

-- T Berk (tberk@sbcglobal.net), October 06, 2004.

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