Registration for GS&F/ACL : LUSENET : Georgia Southern & Florida RR Historical Society : One Thread |
Hello all. My name is John Buckley and I am helping organize this years joint GS&F/ACL meeting here in Jacksonville on Feb 14,15,16. We are only about three weeks out and are making our final plans for those attending the event. One of the events is the Friday Bus Tour. We have selected a number of very interesting places around this area to visit and I think everyone will enjoy them. The problem is we have 32 registered participants for the bus tour right now. None from GS&F. Based on my conversations with Mark, its likely there will be. But we can't lock down the size of the bus we are going to need until we have a clear number of how many people are taking the Friday Bus Tour. So I urge you, encourage you, beg you...if you have been thinking about registering and are putting it off, please register as soon as possible. Even if you just send me an e-mail saying you will be taking the bus tour but will send your registration later would be helpful. We don't want to reserve a 35 passenger bus only to have 10 more people want to take the bus tour than we have room for. Please get those registrations in as soon as you can. Looking forward to seeing all of you in Jacksonville next month!Thanks again
-- John Buckley (, January 23, 2003