Recommendations for servicing in Germany. : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hello everyone, I live in Stuttgart, will soon be getting my F4s and was wondering if anyone in the south of Germany had any recommendations or horror stories with regard to servicing. I have the choice two dealers to buy my bike from (the price is almost identical) and would probably take the dealer which had the best reputation for servicing.

Thanks in advance.........Ian

-- ian briggs (, January 21, 2003


Meine Empfehlung: MV Herrn Georg Rehm Kaiserslauterner Str. 287 67098 Bad Dürkheim

absolut kompetent (F4), zaubert auch bei der Ersatzteilbeschaffung, preiswert! There will be no better servicepoint in Germany!

Heiner Hoffecker

-- Heiner Hoffecker (, January 23, 2003.

Hallo Ian, I bought my MV 26 months ago from Georg Rehm too. Up to now (more than 22.500 kms) absolutely no problems. He is a very good mechanic. Trust him. --- ANDRE

-- ANDRE (, January 23, 2003.

Thanks guys, I am grateful for the advice.How far is he from stuttgart and in which direction!

regards Ian

-- ian briggs (, January 24, 2003.

Hi Ian, it is about 160 kms (between Mannheim and Kaiserslautern)

-- ANDRE (, January 24, 2003.

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