m.v. jacket wantedgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
where can i buy a m.v. [f4] jacket in the u.k. other than my local rip - off dealer or can i buy direct from italy ??
-- frank kane (trigger55bty@hotmail.com), January 16, 2003
This may be a bit far from you but Munroe Motorcycles in San Francisco, California has a MV Agusta Mesh jacket discounted from $215 to $149 USDs. Here's the link:http://www.munroemotors.com/parts_sale01.html
-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (Agibbs996@aol.com), January 16, 2003.
Try Dave @ casoli.co.uk I was in there the other day & he had MV jackets & some really nice fleese tops.Tony.
-- tont hilson (thilson@talk21.com), January 17, 2003.
i bought the leathers and other jakets from trhe dealer i bought tha byke in MILAN ITALY and thay gave me a grait descount on avery item. tel tham you are my frend i bet thay will help. The name of the dealer is CREA ANTONIO .tel. 0039 02 26826961, contact mr. NICO
-- gianni guaglianone (gianniguaglianone@btopenworld.com), January 23, 2003.