Looking for factory OEM Slip Ons...greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
If anyone has a set of factory slip ons that they would like to get rid because they have installed a pipe upgrade let me know.
-- Fabio de Andrade (mvracer@kcplazasportbikes.com), January 10, 2003
Greetings Fabio, check this guy out arandazz@comcast.net and his website listing factory parts he is selling, some are on ebay. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/arandazz/mvparts/mvparts.htm
-- Robbie (rpaggen@hotmail.com), January 10, 2003.
I've got a set with 600 miles in the box with the stock chip.Let me know if you're interested.
ahapp@mindspring.com 415-794-1142
-- Andrew Happ (ahapp@mindspring.com), January 10, 2003.
yep, i have a full system from an 2002 with chip . 500.00 u s ,600 miles and perfect condition. california . 909 866 2333 dave
-- BIGBEAR DAVE (BIGBEARDV@CS.COM), January 12, 2003.