DCR TRV 9E someone want to sell his/hers??greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
This Year did not start too good for me , they have stolen my DCRTRV 9E. I wanto to know if someone will sell his/her DCRTRV9E to me if it cost not to much because i have so many pheripherals (all original SONY) at home so i do not want (cannot ??$€) change type DV CAM!!. VISA Payment or Check (€) just tell me. Thnks
-- Franco Kok (francokok@tin.it), January 08, 2003
I have Sony DCRTRV9E. Its in a very good condition, single owner,will all accessories. I want US$450. Shipping and all other costs are yours. The Product is in Hong Kong Please reply to: alexhk3232@hotmail.com Tel:852-61066244 Thanks
-- Alex (alexhk3232@hongkong.com), April 16, 2003.