burning still pics onto vcd to view on Toshiba DVD player

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I would like to transfer my still pictures .jpeg onto a cd-r to play on my DVD player Toshiba SD-1800. What do I need to do this?

-- Guillermo Gonzalez (walrus95@yahoo.com), January 07, 2003


use tmpegenc, add files go to all files and selet the jpgs, should work i think

-- blaze (blazeit420thc@removethis.hotmail.com), January 07, 2003.

Nero (http://www.ahead.de) and VCDeasy (http://www.vcdeasy.org) can do this. Please note that many Toshiba models do not support CD-R or CD-RW. I suggest you look at the DVD Player Compatibility List at http://www.vcdhelp.com to see if yours does, otherwise you're wasting your time.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), January 08, 2003.

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