Thinking about : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I am new to MVs. I've owned several ducs since 94 and I'm thinking about getting an 02 F4S diamante. I am without a bike right now and I seriously considering an MV and a 996/998. What's the difference between this 02 model vs. the 2000's and 2001's? Seller is asking for $15.5 for it with 187 miles on the clock. Ad appears on the ducati index. Fo you guys in the east coast (NH), do you know this dealership selling this MV?TIA for your thoughts.
-- (, January 06, 2003
Most all of the 2002 models have the newer upgraded EVO motor which is quite a bit more powerful than the 2000-2001 models. 15.5K for a not even broken in 2002 model i would say is a great deal. The Diamante color is a very hard color to get. I waited almost a year for the 2001 1+1 Diamante but settled for a Corsa colored one i found on Ebay. Three months later it finally came in and now resides happily in Phoenix area.
-- Robbie (, January 07, 2003.