Woo Hoo !

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

My 2002 red/sliver F4-S is now happily resting in my garage all shiny and new. It seems I have to go visit her at least a couple of times a day just to look at that sexy machine while I’m waiting for all the snow and ice here in CT to go away so I can go for a ride.

Thanks for all the informative posts there helping me learn more about this machine and the F4 community. I guess I have to ask why the folk on the yahoo F4 group call the posting on this site the ‘dark side’?

- Chris P

-- Chris Pietrzykowski (chris.p@attbi.com), January 05, 2003


Great news Chris!

-- Peter trocco (draggo1@aol.com), January 05, 2003.

Welcome to the Club!

-- Kevin Warner (kwarner@11thhourbiz.com), January 05, 2003.

Congratulations. Looks like our numbers are growing. We'll pull Cagiva out of bankruptcy yet! :D

I really think someday was should have a MV Agusta rally. One on each coast.

-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (Agibbs996@aol.com), January 05, 2003.

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