Australian owners/owners to be : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Just a quick note out there to try and get a group of us aussie owners together to pool resources. This is an excellent forum and the one where we should probably meet. It would just be good if we had a few fellow Aussie owners that we could bounce local 'knowledge' off.

I am currently on holidays so I can be reached at my sister's address until I return to work on Jan 14.

Is anybody interested in getting a resorce together?

Cheers and Happy New Year, Craig.

-- craig bradley (, December 29, 2002


I've been thinking along similar lines to yourself. In Australia we're a little isolated when it comes sharing resources other than words of wisdom over the internet. I'm a member of a couple of MV Yahoo e-groups, which I think provide a good basis for what you're proposing. Peter Hughes from Victoria has set up one of these groups and he may agree to allow his group to be used by the Aussies (and the Kiwis too!!). I think it would be better to pursue using something that already exists rather than create a new group. Waddayareckon?

-- James (, December 29, 2002.

Hi James,

Absolutely !!

I'm no web guru anyway. I was probably just thinking more along getting a group of kindrid spirit email adresses together for swapping questions and resources - I have no idea how to set up a user group et al. However, this sounds great.

I can't actually access user groups, forums or any non work related website from my work pc - the beauty of working for a technolgy company, they know better than any how to stop you having fun.

But let's see if Peter and/or anyone else is willing to be a part of this?

I am actually just waiting for my existing bike to sell and then going to buy a low km F4S. I'm not a rich exec, just keen to own something special and willing to forgoe a decent motor car to have it. One of the things that seems to be truly unanswered on this site is the availabilty of a workshop manual - something that obviously exists somewhere. Another thing that doesn't appear to have been adressed is the oveheating/blistering right fairing - just a few of the things that would be good to be able to discuss locally?

Anyway mate, thanks for the quick reply, hopefully we can get something useful going, Craig.

-- craig bradley (, December 29, 2002.

Sounds like a good idea. I have a Senna (No.264) which rarely leaves the garage, but enjoy the greenspun site. I would be grateful if you let me know what you come up with (my computer skills are exhausted writing this message).

-- Brian (, January 08, 2003.

To all Aussie and MV owners....... Please use my Yahoo Site to arrange rides, swap info, etc which is specific to us Aussies.... JULIAN MCLEAN is busy organizing an Aussie MV Owners Club.......but for now my yahoo site can be use to share info.

Regards Pete Hughes.

-- Pete Hughes. (, January 19, 2003.

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