: LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Has anyone peeled off th hideous reflectors on the tail faring? Any issues?
-- Peter (, December 29, 2002
Peter - that was the first "mod" I made to my Senna. Borrowed the wife's hair dryer (I, unfortunately don't have need of one), and 2 minutes later the job was done. Piece of cake.
-- DaveB (, December 29, 2002.
Great, thank you...
-- Peter trocco (, December 29, 2002.
I got my Senna in the spring, weather was warm, I just s l o w l y peeled them off. No issues, waxed it up and rode it. Now it is snowing and the poor thing won't see a road until next spring. Winter sucks in the Sierra's.
-- greg petersen (, December 31, 2002.