Question about Avi : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi I was wondering if there is any way to improve the quality on a avi movie like the sharpness, clearness, brightness, etc, if this is possible what program will do this, if you can help it is appreciated thanks dwayne

-- (, December 15, 2002


Virtual Dub has a ton of filters so it might be possible to tweak things a little on your video, but as a general rule you can't really improve on the original source, so don't expect to work miracles. Virtual Dub is NOT an easy program to use, so I recommend you read as much as possible on the filters and settings before you use it. You can very easily make your video worse if you aren't careful. I think the official web site is, but a web search will find it.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), December 16, 2002.

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