Full Frame Imagesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
Black & White full frame images....http://www.fullframeimages.com
-- Robert M Johnson (fullframeimages@hotmail.com), December 15, 2002
Hi, Robert Though I am a film director, not a photographer, your b/w work has been a great inspiration to me. I'm preparing the shoot of a documentary on "poor people" in cities, and a look at your work gave me great ideas . your work remains true to the characters and lives of the people in front of your camera. Great work. Filip
-- filip martin (filip@livemedia.be), February 13, 2003.
I noticed that aal your photos were indeed full frame images. Whats the significance? Have you become a better photographer from framing pictures in the view finder instead of the darkroom?Have a look at my site: http://www3.mb.sympatic.ca/~dsteven1
-- dale stevenson (dalestevenson@mts.net), March 27, 2003.
The site has been updated, please take a look!
-- Robert M Johnson (fullframeimages@hotmail.com), November 04, 2003.