WELL....I TOOK THE PLUNGEgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I just bought a 2001 F4s. It belonged to a buddy who just bought a Senna. Only 600 miles. I have not riden the F4 yet but am in the proccess of putting the break-in miles on the Senna for my buddy. What a bike! I have owned a lot of bikes, (ducs etc...), nothing that handles like this thing, its telepathic. Have been reading this thread for awhile and have enjoyed all the info. I will try to uphold the standard that you guys have set.
-- DAN CABLE (DCABLE@CAULEY.NET), December 13, 2002
Welcome to the club. As you ride it more and more, the sensation only gets better. I am just under 5,000 miles on mine in about 9 months. I still drive my "daily driver" (ZX-7), but always find myself going back to the MV, except when a passenger wants to ride. I bought the single seat version because the MV was made for me and no one else. I guess I am selfish this way but others will just have to imagine how great the MV is. Congrats on the purchase and good luck.
-- Pete (pistonpete@hotmail.com), December 13, 2002.
Congrats on your new toy. They are an awesome bike. I have had my Senna for 8 months and I understand the "telepathic" feel you have experienced. I can ride my 996S well, but I can ride the MV better. I find myself pushing the Duc around in the tight stuff, but the MV just falls into place. Truly an amazing ride. Now if it would just stop snowing!
-- greg petersen (gntpete@nvbell.net), December 17, 2002.