fisheye lense camcorder : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

My son has a Sony Handycam Mini DV DCR-PC9 NTSC and wants to purchase a fisheye lense for this camcorder. Is there such an accessory available for this camera? Sony does not make one supposedly. Do you know of any other company that might make such a lense. If not what other mini DV's have fisheye lenses available. I might possibly buy him a new camera and lense and take his sony for myself. The joys of Christmas shopping when you can't find what they want! Thanks so very much for your help.

-- Karen Thurman (, December 07, 2002


um thats one of those little shit sonys the ones that r like upright ok i think u oculd probably get a century optics baby death 300$ or maybe this really bad raynox clip on lense thing 100$ these lenses r made to fit a variety of cameras and lense sizesso they would fit virtually any mini dv camera with interchangable lenses out there just outa courious y does he want the lense ( rollerblade/ skateboard filming)

-- will (, February 13, 2003.

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