Availibility of oil filter

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

As far as I know most N. American MV dealers have been out of oil filters for months now. Just wondering what you all have been using.



-- Andy K. Chan (akcchan@public.bta.net.cn), December 06, 2002


Which dealer's have you been calling?

As far as I know, my local MV Dealer in Tucson, Renaissance Motorcycles, has MV oil filters. I just bought one about a month ago. Also, my local Ducati dealer in Phoenix, Arizona (non-MV) carries MV oil filters, which they order from Fay Myers (Colorado dealership), as they also work on a lot (relatively speaking) of MVs.

Despite the slow down and current situation of Cagiva, I seriously doubt you will have any problems finding MV oil filters. If anything, oil filters should be the most abundant parts available.

-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (Agibbs996@aol.com), December 06, 2002.

No problems in Portland. I just bought 3

Good luck

-- Scott Krane (a56healey@yahoo.com), December 06, 2002.

Andy, our shop in bellevue,wa has filters.eastsidemotosports.com Dave R.

-- david rookaird (rookaird@cs.com), December 07, 2002.

I have 120 in stock at the moment.


Munroe Motors San Francisco 415-626-3496

-- Andrew Happ (ahapp@mindspring.com), December 07, 2002.

Wow, I am obviously very wrong on this issue. Thank you for letting me know boys.

And Andrew (Munroe Motors), I'll be emailing you for a few filters.


-- Andy K. Chan (akcchan@public.bta.net.cn), December 07, 2002.

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