Will Aeon Come Back?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Do you guys know if Aeon will ever return???

-- Vigelante Gurl (blackbeetle16@hotmail.com), December 06, 2002


wE cAnNoT pReDiCt ThE fUtUrE! So no, we dont know if aeon will ever return... And its up to mtv, anyway.

-- zach the new lurker (mr_spidy@hotmail.com), December 12, 2002.

I've only recently got back into AE. And I've not seen it since Liquid TV many years ago. I think MTV have been rescreening it at 2AM (here in UK).

But I'll download a few off KaZaa Lite b4 I buy some of these videos...

-- MostlyHarmless (mostlyharmless@totalise.co.uk), December 22, 2002.

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