Phillip Island Trackday. : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Pics from recent trackday....{Turn 2, Southern Loop}

-- Pete Hughes (, December 05, 2002


WOW...poetry in motion.

-- mod (, December 05, 2002.

Hi Pete... Picture don't seem to be coming through?

Hope it was fun!


-- Robert McCaskie (, December 06, 2002.

Pete, what are you using to cover the mirror holes? I'm not using anything. I just found nuts and nylon washers to put on the stock mirror bolts, seems to hold the fairing in place pretty well.

I'm going to the track this weekend despite my recent paranoia. The MV is going to serve me well I think. I've still got a ton of setup work to do on it, so that will help.

-- Andy Ruhl (, December 06, 2002.

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