Any Lenz XPA experience yet? : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

Does anyone have experience with the Lenz XPA yet? Does it live up to its promise (basic wireless throttle functions at minimal cost)? Have you tried more than one XPA and phone in the net at a time, and what problems exist?

-- Larry Brumback (, December 04, 2002


Larry - I Installed the XPA on my Lenz Set 2/04 about 6 months ago. It does provide basic wireless throttle functions at minimal cost. It works, but I still prefer turning knobs to control locomotion. The only small problem I've experienced with XPA, is whenever I turn the system on, I have to unplug the XPA cable from the XpressNet, and then plug it back in before it will work. Wonder if anyone else is having that problem? I have not tried more than one XPA at a time. If you want wireless control without investing a lot of capital, it'll do all the basics.

-- Mike Carr (, December 11, 2002.

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