sc ravers?? : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

hey im a party kid in myrtle beach i was just wondering if there were any other party kids around. if so e-mail me i cant take this place and all the fake ravers 16 about to 17 dec. 29 male kandi kid

-- Anonymous, December 02, 2002


Whuddup im a raver, lol jus sayn. I can bust glowsticking, glowstringing, some footwork, and liquid poppn, u know any footwork?

-- Anonymous, December 08, 2002

hey i try to be a raver...i love glowsticking and glowstringing....from Francis Marion...not too far from MB....they have an underground rave every now and then in florence...hit me up if ya interested

-- Anonymous, December 22, 2002

Yo dudes, i'm chillin up here in G-Ville! Chat me up if you all know where i can hit some local parties! Anyway, I'm so thrilling on stickin and stringin. It's fuckin mad! Chat me later! P>L>U>R

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2003

I feel ya pain man. Maybe next time im up in Myrtle beach Ill send ya an email and see whats up. IM 25 and I know exactly what ya sayin about some of the 16 and 17 year olds. But then again I was pretty much a dumb ass when I was that age too and if your 29 then you were that was that age once too. One thing my parents generation of hippies fucked up is once they got old they forgot about bein cool to the young ones. Let's try and learn from their mistakes eh>? Just a though if anybody thinks thats a dumb ass response let me know.

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2003

hey im a party kid in spartanburg. i really just got into the "rave scene" around January so i havent met that many other party kids around here. so if you want to chat write me an email.

-- Anonymous, April 09, 2003

You are all shit raver fuckers

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

ravers are scum.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

You People Are So Pathetic , ur Not Ravers U dont know the meaning of raving ! Every one knows Real Ravers Are in Melbourne Australia , @ HardKandy Glow sticks and all that shit aint kool its comercial crap Plur Has gone down the drain Who has really followed it anyways ? Jaded is the way to be in melbourne ruxing the dance floor of hardkandy

Rave Hard Or Go Home

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

raves are no longer underground - and it sucks. i remeber when you went to a party no matter who was playing. i remember when parties were $5. and the people who were throwing them did it for the love of the music not profit. the commercialization of raves has dystroyed the scene. it's no longer about the music. but what the heck would raves be without the musi.... nothing

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003

No shit the rave scene is crap. I see people walking around shopping centres on a wednesday morning wearing phatties and candy up to their elbows. It's a fucking toss. They seem to get a thrill from the fact that people point and stair and know that they take 'ectasy'. Wow, how hardcore can you get? I'd rather stay at home and doof with some mates and my big phat speakers these days than have to go out and watch cheap ass 16 year olds blow out and get their fluro's grubby...

-- Anonymous, January 09, 2004

OK, all of you kids are so misguided. Why don't you go to school and make something of yourselves instead of looking for the next party in the next town. Where the fuck is that going to get you kids? Don't you want to look good or drive a nice fast car? I'll tell you what all of your lives are going to be like five years, maybe less than that from now. You will be blowing up with disgusting trailer trash in some fucking trailer along with some dumb bitch with three kids in the next room. You may not see it now, but you will all be as nasty as Cristina Aguilera. I have seen it and I will never surround myself with those intellectual morons ever again. One of my best friends is an ecstasy head and it shows. He is extremely bi-polar, cannot keep a decent girlfriend, and lives in the ghetto. His parents live in a rich neighborhood and are the nicest people ever. He hates them and everything else in life because he is depressed. Have you watched the movie "Bad Santa?" That is my friend's lifestyle, his car is filled with booze 24/7. Oh, by the way, he is 6ft 5inches tall and he weighs 110 pounds!

-- Anonymous, January 18, 2004

OK, all of you kids are so misguided. Why don't you go to school and make something of yourselves instead of looking for the next party in the next town. Where the fuck is that going to get you kids? Don't you want to look good or drive a nice fast car? I'll tell you what all of your lives are going to be like in five years, maybe less than that from now. You will be blowing up with disgusting trailer trash in some fucking trailer along with some dumb bitch with three kids in the next room. You may not see it now, but you will all be as nasty as Cristina Aguilera. I have seen it and I will never surround myself with those intellectual morons ever again. One of my best friends is an ecstasy head and it shows. He is extremely bi-polar, cannot keep a decent girlfriend, and lives in the ghetto. His parents live in a rich neighborhood and are the nicest people ever. He hates them and everything else in life because he is depressed. Have you watched the movie "Bad Santa?" That is my friend's lifestyle, his car is filled with booze 24/7. Oh, by the way, he is 6ft 5inches tall and he weighs 110 pounds! Enjoy your fucking parties...

-- Anonymous, January 18, 2004

Shit Yeah Melbourne is the place to be if you wanna party hard!, i dont wanna sound like a winge but those poofs wearing the morning roaming shopping centres is a bit gay. do any of you guys hate when you see a junkie or somw completely wasted dude, well i dont think we will be seeing much of that anymore word is theyre banning the selling of shit like K and G in the clubs, so make sure you get it before you get in, every1 be sure to watch "One Perfect Day" made in Melbourne and about Melbourne dance culture or at least the way "they" see it.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2004

It seems there is not much left to the rave scene anymore. The music, the parties hell even the paraphanalia is commercialized today. You can't walk through a mall w/out seeing something that eludes to the scene. I mean there is a clothing store named "Rave Girl". Not to mention all the YOUNG kids that roll and trip. I see punks wearing beads and binkies. It's really very sad to me. On the flip side, we all should learn to love the dancing and music for what it is and where it came from. There are too many people who have found the drugs and never found themselves in the music. I still remember a couple of gangster my little sister used to chill with. They would pop 2 or 3 tabs and drive around town chewing on toothbrushes. They had no idea what any of it was about. We had a small party, 10 or 12 people. Most of us didn't even know each other, untill the tabs kicked in. God, I think I took 5 that night. So intense. By then it didn't take the "drinkers" long to bug out of there. Alcohol doesn't fit in at a party anyway. So when these thugish friends of my sisters show up, i've got some oakenfold playing and we break out the vicks and glow sticks and strobes and anything else we could think of to peak us off. (try those blinking red bicycle lights, they are great.) Those guys were freaken at first, pretty big cry from their gangsta rap, but it didn't take long before they were blowing each other up, wearing candy up to there elbows and telling there most intimate stories. It was great to see those hardcore wannabe motherfuckers open up like that. The downfall as usual, however, was that about three days later I was having the most horrible mood swings. Oh well, it's been over 3 years since I've dropped a tab, and I will never forget how great that shit made me feel. Even if it was "a false sense of well being". PLUR to all those candykids out there who keep the movement alive, just remember it's not a good party unless it's somebody's first time to see the light. Just remember, what makes it special is what happens to us at the party, not talking about it in public. So try to keep it in the underground, don't wear your candy flambouyantly when not at the party. It ruins it for everyone else. If you see some misguided kid, then fix them. Peace Love Unity Respect

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2004

I'm from SC, born and raised, joined the military and saw more to life than I ever could have imagined. You wanna start a good scene in SC...get in touch with me. I started a whole new thing in Okinawa and it hit big. I'm ready to do something new and real here and I know that I can make it happen. We gotta have something to live's bound to end someday, but hell, let's do something new and make it fun while it lasts. Those who want to be a part will be thoroughly screened and what we do will be kept secret. It's not about having everyone involved, but about having everyone who is involved true to what we believe. It's not about what you believe or think, but moreso how you think. Get in touch.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2004

your all wannabe fukheads...

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2004

Well i am jewels and i just wanted to say that i am from san antonio and that i stomp and there is more then you think that ravers do.... well they stomp which means stomp to the beat then there are stringers which the have glowsticks on string and then they string to the beat then there are just plain ravers which they go crazy to the beat so if there is any Questions then go ahead and E-mail me and also there are krews and names for them stingers,stompers,and ravers!! like there is krews kalled skool kidz, posting krew, party krew kidz, star-plex, illegal stomping krew r@w E-lite then the pros like stringepeople, DC , and othere krews then there is battle grounds which is a rave but for teens to see who is better and other stuff well i have wasted enuff of my time!! laters.

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2004

hey i am trying to learn how to string and stomp i am 13 turning 14 in january. im from san antonio can anybody help me out???!!!

-- Anonymous, November 03, 2004

batle groundds is NOT a RAVE gurlE.....guess yOuy havent gone to REAL RAVE....BG is BG....NOT a rAve.........

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2004

i tottally agree with u tootzie bgs are not raves its just bg not its just turinging into a club withe playing hip hop and dat gay shit ahh MIXOLOGY MIXOLOGY MIXOLOGY AND BEE NAUGHTY BEE NAUGHTY BEE NAUGHTY


-- Anonymous, December 01, 2004

yuPP yupp thats right...MIxologY rOcks...whOo hOo...yOu goin to bEe naught i Am...: tis the season to be naughty"..heheh..the 17 at the white rabbit...20 buckS....


-- Anonymous, December 01, 2004

lots of people on here hating. u r the ones that need to get a life. anyways, i am a raver in the greenville/spartanburg area. if anyone wants to talk sometime email me. PLUR.

-- Anonymous, December 02, 2004

OK!!!! listen here ppl nun of u kno shit.... u wana see real ravers??? u best come down to melbourne where it all began.. we will show u how to really dance.. nun of this glowstick shit or liquid crap im talkin real rave style... melbourne shuffle, doffing, hat tricks, breaks, running man... these r the styles u need to b a raver... u wana check it out look up and ul see that melbourne is the number one rave destination...,,, these r the 4 biggest rave clubs in melbourne... and the only places to see reall ravers....

-- Anonymous, December 15, 2004

lmaO i aGreE wiTh mUh guRLie tOotziE.. lOl thaT wAs thE stuPIdEst cRap ive hEard.. bG isNt a Rave.. eVeryoNe knOWs thaT.. bUt i gUEss uR nOonE.. muCHo lOve to mii michelle tOotz.. --->Outs.<3 sarah

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2005

neways ravers are the best!!! all u are just haters cause u cant do it got nothing good to say dont say at a eww niggers thess days hhaha stringe people Rawks duh du h got to and check i out kk love always.... emie.lou......aka scribblez.-p!nKSt@r

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2005

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