Where can i buy adult VCDs in Melbourne

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I am looking for a place or a person who can sell adult VCDs in cheap Price in melbourne.Is there anyone know about this?

-- male (mr_male_au@hotmail.com), November 25, 2002


Crikey, matey. What's with all these requests for adult VCDs?

-- (!@!.!), November 25, 2002.

I have about 20 titles for sale, French & US finest selected hardcore adult erotica, price upon application-send mail.

-- hamish barr (barrhamish@hotmail.com), November 30, 2002.

tried victoria street in abbotsford. theres a vcd shop there.

-- chimpy slapper (chimpy@hotmail.com), December 09, 2002.

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