Cooking with gas? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I've got a track day coming up and was curious if it makes sense to use a higher octane racing fuel. I'm leaning towards Unocal's Competition 100. Will it make any difference for my 'OO F4s or is it just a waste?



-- Scott Smith (, November 18, 2002


I seriously doubt that will do much for you. I just run regular old Chevron 91 octane here. I do know that the serious race fuels that are oxygenated and whatever else will give you more power, but what for? What would you be trying to accomplish? If the bike was detonating, then yes, use some kind of higher octane fuel. Other than that, you have to seriously ask "why"? It's not going to help you have any more fun. If you have some grudge with a guy near your skill level and he rides a 600, well that's a different story...

-- Andy Ruhl (, November 19, 2002.

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