Any Sennas or 2002 F4s' left in the U.S. showrooms? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I'm trying to help a friend find a Senna. Anyone know if your local dealer (or any dealer) may still have one. Friend is located in Seattle, WA. Thank you.
-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (, November 18, 2002
I am the friend....either Senna or Mono Red....also if there is there a red Bi-posto?Thanks Allan!
-- shelby McPherson (, November 18, 2002.
Don't know about the Senna but my local dealer has a 02 Strada Mono (Red/Silver) on display
-- TP (, November 18, 2002.
also try for the Senna
-- TP (, November 18, 2002.
Check E-bay brand new 02 F4s...
-- Jim (, November 18, 2002.
Senna at Moto Corsa in Portland, OR
-- Scott Krane (, November 19, 2002.
The Massachusetts dealers both have monos and 1+1's. The two seaters are available in both colors. No Sennas anywhere that I know of.
-- Rob DeWitt (, November 20, 2002.
The dealer in Charlotte, NC has a both a Silver monoposto and a Red/Silver biposto both 2002's.704-882-6106 ask for Larry Haber tell him Scot Hennon sent you :)
-- Scot Hennon (, November 20, 2002.