Heart of the Ocean doll necklace Miniaturegreenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
I am looking for a bunch of miniature titanic heart of the ocean necklaces for dolls. If you know where I can buy these, please email me. I want ones like Frankilin mint sells, but i dont want to have to pay that much nor do I want the safe...I would also love miniature butterfly hair combs and sketches of Rose. Thanks!
-- Claudia Barclay (claudia@thebarclays.com), November 03, 2002
It's me again, it's been a wile since my last post. Just wanted to be sure people know that I am still after these items. you can reach me at claudia@thebarclays.comThanks a lot!
-- Claudia Barclay (claudia@thebarclays.com), February 21, 2003.
Are you still looking?
-- Christina (normbuntz@hotmail.com), December 05, 2003.