F4 erratic engine performance

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Machine details: 2001 F4 700 miles. The engine falters and missfires (possibly not running on all cyl) between 3500 and 4600 rpm. This is very annoying and unsafe while driving in local traffic. Is there a fix, and if so, what is it. Thank you, Luis

-- LUIS R AVELLO (LAVELLO@MSN.COM), October 30, 2002


While it doesn't sound like one of the problems I've encountered on my '00 MV (glad it's crashed), I'd recommend having a dealer look at:

1) Co2 mixture. The MV are quite sensitive to o2 mixture. Is yours running rich? If you are near an MV dealer, the Ducati's computer can read the MV's program. Just get the proper setting so the dealer can make the adjustments.

2) Throttle body butterfly opennings. Due to poor dealer prep, the butterflies on my '00 where opening past their limits. This caused the computer to engage the rev limiter and resulted in a engine faltering sensation at wide open throttle at any rpm.

My guess, is that it just need an minor o2 adjustment. Good luck.

-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (Agibbs996@aol.com), October 31, 2002.

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