special F4 for sale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I've got a yellow and white with gold wheels 'SPS-like' one for sale. Had new since 2000, mono. full UK model with full MVSH including all 'recalls and mods'. 7k miles and immaculate. Extras include: Blueflame titanium pipes and chip; black suede seat; polished top yoke, hangers, pegs etc; carbon front fender with gold mesh; carbon chain guard and hugger; carbon tank guard; micro LED rear indicators; tinted double bubble screen; frame plugs; datatool alarm; datatag security marking; stand and official cover. Only selling to fund Senna! Anyone interested?

-- Fraser Butters (fraser_butters@uk.bm.com), October 30, 2002


have you got some pictures?i'd like to see it!!

-- dauly alex (alkatraxx@yahoo.fr), November 01, 2002.

I've got a yellow and white with gold wheels 'SPS-like' one for sale. Had new since 2000, mono. full UK model with full MVSH including all 'recalls and mods'. 7k miles and immaculate. Extras include: Blueflame titanium pipes and chip; black suede seat; polished top yoke, hangers, pegs etc; carbon front fender with gold mesh; carbon chain guard and hugger; carbon tank guard; micro LED rear indicators; tinted double bubble screen; frame plugs; datatool alarm; datatag security marking; stand and official cover. Only selling to fund Senna.

-- Jerry Yan (afnanhaziq@asia.com), March 13, 2003.


Has Fraser changed his name? Did Jerry buy the bike and now has Faser's old motivations? Is Jerry in need of instruction regarding use of that new computer? Has the bike been on a long journey on a slow boat? It is really true that someone, somewhere, has the extact same bike that you have? So many questions...

I'm going to lunch...


-- Scot Hennon (scot/nc@I-bmw.com), March 13, 2003.

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