e-mail from mister Richard Gere

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Discuss Gere : One Thread


Hello Mister Gere,

I sended you a scenario arround DEMON and I a so nervous arround I didn(t had any answers for this moment.Maebey you didn't revieve it..Please let me know your e-mail so I canwrite you over e-mail.. Thancks and greatings,

Miek/ P.P.C. Belgium

-- anne-marie (miekdesmet@hotmail.com), October 29, 2002


please give me e-mail of mr.richard gere

-- sheyda shahkarami (sh_315_sh@yahoo.com), April 08, 2004.

no i didn't have an answer i want Email Richard Gere Please

-- Sara Moh'd (momo_fofo0o@yahoo.com), October 03, 2004.

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