HELPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!! : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Please help me!I bought a digital camera"vivi cam 3615"Vivitar.I downloaded the software that came with the camera!When i try to get the pictures from my camera to the computer,I can't seem to fine vivitar on the "GET" When i go to GET picture from camera i see all other camera but my own!!!!For example when it ask me to choose a camera that i am trying to take the image from i get KODAK DC 200,KODAK DC 120,50,210 PLUS220,260,SANYO,AGFA EPHOTO,OLYMPUS 320,AND EPSON PHOTOPC 550&t 600 but no vivitar so don't know how to get my picture to my camera!!!!!!!!PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

-- Freddie Crespo (, October 20, 2002


if you have not received an answer to your question yet this is how you get your pictures when you installed your software there is a seperate thing to get your pictures go to your start button and in all programs you will see arcsoft photoimpression.From there you will be able to get to all the photos on your camera and do all the stuff from there.I hope that helps you out.Any questins feel free to email me and i will answer them for you. Good Luck

-- carla swanson (, January 09, 2003.

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