anyone live in ESSEX ENGLAND? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I am a degree student doing research into the MV f4, I am hoping to find a local owner who is up for being (casually), interviewed about their bike and would be willing to share their knowledge of the bike as well as let me take some photos for my research. I just require about an hour of your time at your conveniance.This would really help me out with my research so if anyone can help mail me at (just for your own peice of mind I aint no punk or typical gonky student i ride a blade and am a pleasent fellow, hahaha :), cheers again John-Paul Grogan
-- John-Paul Grogan (, October 17, 2002
well i live in essex, have an mv and up for a chat.
-- ian (, November 12, 2002.
Me as well
-- Roy Rolfe (, February 03, 2003.