Rob - just for you! : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

I was out shopping today for a congratulations card for my nephew and his wife for the birth of their first son. I didn't find one but I found the perfect birthday card for Rob! It said on the outside - you know you're a red-neck when... and on the inside - you think that megabytes means great fishing :-) Have a "reel-y" good birthday!

I'm not sure when your birthday is, Rob - but now you have a card from me to celebrate it.

Here, have a haiku (to make up for that awfulness - I think my evil twin just showed her head):


Bright gold trees stripping

Scattering leaves about them

Baring their sad souls.


And here are a few more, in case you didn't like that one:


Wicked wind whistles

Luring leaves like Pied Piper.

Bent, bare trees shiver.


Time, like a river,

Begins - a small thin trickle

Ends - a thundering flood.


-- Tricia the Canuck (, October 11, 2002



-- t the c (tricia@you.know), October 11, 2002.

Applauding for Tricia, the haiku goddess! :-)

-- Gayla (love@your.haiku), October 13, 2002.

ahhhh - we're back!!

i thought i'd revive this thread, since Rob never saw it. He'd never ignore a post just for him, would he?

-- tricia the canuck (, October 25, 2002.

LOL. Thanks Tricia. So you're not sure when my birthday is? Well, I'm not sure either! (I was very young at the time and just don't remember -;)

-- (sonofdust@undisclosed.location), October 30, 2002.

Happy Birthday! I can't remember either. :-)

Where is an undisclosed location? Is that better than an undisopen one?

-- Gayla (, October 30, 2002.

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