How do I know if a VCD is dubbed/subtitled? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I'm new to the area of VCDs. I'm looking for movie files (legally) that I can copy onto my computer, re-encode and then play on my Pocket PC using Divx, WMP, or PocketTV. I've found some sites that sell VCDs, but I don't want to buy a movie that's dubbed into a language other than English, or has subtitles. If a place is selling a Hollywood movie, can I safely assume it's in English unless it states otherwise? How about cartoons, such as the Simpsons or Futurama? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


-- Russ (, October 11, 2002


The reputable VCD houses always tell what language a VCD is in and what subtitles, if any, it has. I can recommend the following: VCDgallery ships by surface mail, which is slow. They others use FedEx and you can get your discs in 2-3 days after ordering. I own all the commercial Simpsons and Futurama VCDs and they are in English with no subtitles.

-- Root (, October 11, 2002.

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