Please!help! How can you register Mv in Ca? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
any advise appreciated!
-- Tim K (, October 08, 2002
Yes you can register MV's in California. They have to be used and have to come in with an Odometer that reads at least 7,500 miles. We have had lots of requests to borrow a dash for registration purposes in California.
-- Mototrends (, October 13, 2002.
From what I understand, people relocating to California do not have a problem. If you live in California, and purchase and MV out of state, it need to have 7,500 miles on it.Other options I heard where to obtain a P.O. Box (Mail Box Etc) in another state, and register the MV there.
I'm curious to hear how our California brethren are dealing with this. You'd think Cagiva USA would address the problem quickly considering how large the California market is.
-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (, October 13, 2002.