Senna RG3 update : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi All, Just thought I'd post my brief experience with my Senna after its 600 service and pipe/chip install (what came in the box with the bike as part of the accessory package - I believe the RG3 setup). While I haven't ridden it much since the install (terrible weather) the bike does seem quite a bit quicker - overall feeling is a more solid pull everywhere. And the sound - jeez! From behind it seriously sounds like an F1 car. Amazing. The thing sounds absolutley vicious. I'll post more if/when I get more seat time (winter is already on its way). I was a bit concerned with some of the posts here talking about idle issues and other areas of less than perfect behavior after the pipe/chip install. If mine is any indication, the tuning afterwords must be an important part of making this work. It seems I may be lucky and have a dealer & mechanic that know how to do it. Gotta love these machines - what beauties!

-- Dave B (, October 07, 2002


Dave your right about tunning/set up . No problems with my senna RG3 setup but my spanner man is fanatical when it comes to setting everything up. ie fuel air etc. The F4 needs TLA inbetween being canned mercilessly. Thats what tambourini designed the thing for. Tony b

-- Tony Beckwith (, October 11, 2002.

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