PowerPoint Conversion

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I need to convert a PowerPoint slide presentation to AVI or any other video format. Actually what I am really trying to do is burn the PowerPoint presentation (slide show with music) to a VCR Tape. I use both PowerPoint XP and 2000, and have Adobe Premiere and an ATI All-in-one-wonder 64-meg video card.

Anything you can do would be a great help! Thank you very much!



-- Jeff Downey (Jeffhid@hotmail.com), October 07, 2002


If you have video outlet from the video card, you can connect it to a VCR and record it during the powerpoint presentation.

-- George Daniels (samarasi55@yahoo.co.uk), October 08, 2002.

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