$40,500 SENNAgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Guys guys!!!! I’m so sorry.. I forgot to write in my last message that I was looking for any south East Asian buyer. Because this is the only Senna here you might buy it if you want to be the ONLY one who owns a Senna in south east Asia. I’m pointing to countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and etc. fcuk!! It feels like you guys are gonna annihilate me!
-- dza zialcita (dzabox@yahoo.co.uk), October 07, 2002
Apparently our friends from southeast Asia aren't idiots last time I checked. They could have one shipped over from the states for maybe a few thousand, which leaves them somewhere between 10 and 15 thousand cheaper than you depending on if they get a discount or not.Give it up. Sell it for what it's worth. There's no way you can rationalize that price for any part of the world if you are talking in American dollars.
-- Andy Ruhl (quadreverb@yahoo.com), October 07, 2002.
Time to find a clue Darwin. We’re all using the same internet as you. UK, Asia or USA none of us like getting screwed by greedy salesmen.
-- Tim W (Provamo35@hotmail.com), October 07, 2002.